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Kan begynne med å debunke to av dine argumenter
2. Weed er avhengighetsdannede som godteri, gaming og egentlig alt annet som tar opp tid. Lekser, lese bøker. Alt egentlig.
3. Nye studier viser at det ikke er skadelig for lungene dine, men faktisk bedre. Om du har astma kan det faktisk hjelpe.

''If you’re wondering what weed does to your lungs, you may be pleasantly surprised. Thus far, high-quality research on cannabis and lung health has failed to show a significant association between smoking cannabis and lung problems.

In fact, some research suggests that inhaling the herb may even have a positive effect. In 2012, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that smoking cannabis does not cause significant damage to the lungs. Tobacco, however, can be extremely damaging.''
Sist endret av lonleyfighter; 17. april 2017 kl. 00:45.