Tråd: Oculus Rift
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Sitat av Zabbath Vis innlegg
Snart, ja ... Det spørs vel hvordan man definerer "snart". Brendan Iribe sier han ikke vet om den kommer i 2015 eller 2016. I følge ham er det altfor lite software ennå. Og jeg vil tro han har en del innflytelse over Oculus Inc., siden han er administrerende direktør der.

Dessuten sliter de med å finne ut hvilken input-løsning de skal bruke. De har snakket om å lansere en input-devkit i år, men det vites ennå ikke når den eventuelt blir sluppet.
Vis hele sitatet... - The consumer-ready Oculus Rift will launch in public beta by summer 2015

So yeah, basically en beta-versjon av CV1 til utviklere, kanskje 1440p med 90hz istedenfor den planlagte 4k med 120hz.

Still, jeg hadde tatt en utvikler versjon av CV1 fremfor samsung sitt "deksel" for note 4 any day.

I think there's a slight chance of a limited "Innovator Edition" released in May/June. (One developer claimed Oculus told him to release his game in May/June. TechRadar said, months ago, that an inside source was hinting about an April release of a limited test run of CV1 units, aimed at developers and enthusiasts, but not the general public.)
An "Innovator Edition" seems likely, considering that's how Samsung is doing it with Gear VR (and taking into account all the seemingly contradictory statements from Palmer, Brendan and Nate lately). But the exact date is harder to pinpoint.
Oculus has pretty much confirmed that certain key developers (non-indies for the most part) already have access to Crescent Bay or similar advanced prototypes. I'm sure they've even handed out early input prototypes to key developers. (It was confirmed that DK2's were handed out to key developers long before they started shipping them to indies and enthusiasts.) I'd be surprised if AAA developers aren't getting access to some of the first, hand-assembled CV1 units, if they haven't already.
But we don't hear anything about this, since developers have signed NDA's, of course.
The proper launch of CV1 will probably happen sometime in 2016, at the earliest, due to the alleged lack of consumer content now and for the foreseeable future. Brendan is the one who seems most adamant about the lack-of-content thing, and I guess he might have the final say at Oculus.
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