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Jeg sier ikke at det må observeres for å eksistere, jeg sier at ingenting kan eksistere før det blir observert.

Etter det første fotonet ble observert, kom det også inn i eksistens. Det betyr ikke at vi konstant må observere fotoner for at de skal eksistere, men at fra det øyeblikket eksisterte fotonet.

Fotonet var det som skapte hele den vitenskapelige retningen vi kaller "kvantefysikk", og det er paradoxet bak bølger/partikler i lys som gjør kvantefysikk mulig, men det betyr ikke at kvantefysikk eksisterte før fotonet ble observert.

Paradoxet er at lys er bølger, men oppfører seg som partikler når det blir observert.

Paradoxet kommer ut av den aller første observasjonen av fotonet.

“It is as though Plato’s metaphor were true- that time is the moving image of eternity. The tryptamine ecstasy is a stepping out of the moving image and into eternity, the eternity of the standing now, the nunc stans of Thomas Aquinas. In that state, all of human history is seen to lead toward this culminating moment. Acceleration is visible in all the processes around us: the fact that fire was discovered several million years ago; language came perhaps thirty-five thousand years ago; measurement, five thousand; Galileo, four hundred; then Watson Crick and DNA. What is obviously happening is that everything is being drawn together. On the other hand, the description our physicists are giving us of the universe- that it has lasted billions of years and will last billions of years into the future— is a dualistic conception, an inductive projection that is very unsophisticated when applied to the nature of consciousness and language. Consciousness is somehow able to collapse the state vector and thereby cause the stuff of being to undergo what Alfred North Whitehead called, “the formality of actually occurring.” Here is the beginning of an understanding of the centrality of Human Beings. Western societies have been on a decentralizing bender for five hundred years, concluding that the earth is not the center of the universe and man is not the beloved of God. We have moved ourselves out toward the edge of the galaxy, when the fact is that the most richly organized material in the universe is the human cerebral cortex, the densest and richest experience in the universe is the experience YOU ARE HAVING RIGHT NOW. Everything should be constellated outward from the perceiving self. That is the primary datum.”