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Sitat av Wrongdirection Vis innlegg
-Cravings" som kommer helt plutselig, får høy puls, blir veldig varm, å rastløs.
-Spiser veldig mye
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Det kan være at Citicoline - aka CDP-choline - hjelper på de to punktene over.

Cocaine dependence is associated with depleted dopamine levels in the central nervous system. In cocaine-dependent individuals citicoline increases brain dopamine levels and reduces cravings.[16] In the general population citicoline increases brain responses to food stimuli, specifically in the amygdala, insula, and lateral orbitofrontal cortex, which correlate with decreased appetite.
Citicoline enhances cellular communication by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and dopamine
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Litium kan også være interessant, her er en lang artikkel som jeg anbefaler deg å lese:

Relevant snutt:
In a placebo-controlled study with former drug users (mostly heroin and methamphetamines) [37], 24 subjects (16 males and 8 females, average age 29.4 ± 6.5 years) were randomly divided into two groups, one receiving 400 μg of lithium per day in yeast, the other placebo, for four weeks. All subjects completed weekly self-administered mood test questionnaires. In the Li group, the total (positive) mood test scores increased steadily during the four weeks of supplementation and specifically in the subcategories reflecting happiness, friendliness and energy. In the placebo group, the combined mood scores showed no consistent changes; the happiness scores actually declined.
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Litium står på legemiddellista, men det står eksplisitt litium karbonat. Jeg har importert litium orotat fra EU. Åpnet av tollen og det tok litt tid, men ingen problemer. Lever og nyre bør være i vater hvis du skal ta litium, men jeg tror ikke helsekostdosen på 5mg gjør så mye ugagn.