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At journalister har partiprefseranser vil ikkje nødvendigvis sei at media er venstrevridd. For å undersøke det bør du gå litt grundigere til verks enn å undersøke kva journalister stemmer.
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Ja, det er jo interessant å gjøre nettopp det. Ikke det at jeg har ork til å gjøre det selv, men vi kan se litt på en studie fra 2010 Nordicom Review, pp. 79-9. Moderator Bias in Television Coverage of an Election Campaign with no Political Advertising. Haug, Koppang, Svennevig.

Denne studien tar for seg hvordan NRK og TV2 forholder seg til de ulike partiene i debattprogrammer under valgkampen. Jeg klarte dessverre ikke finne noen statistikk på hva journalister i henholdsvis TV2 og NRK stemmer.

Jeg siterer:

...our study reveals a clear bias in moderator treatment
of politicians. On NRK, we found biases in how politicians were welcomed and introduced to audiences, in the issues discussed, and in how ‘the average voter’ segments
were presented. We found a positive bias toward center-left parties and a negative bias
toward center-right parties, which seems to confirm the popular belief that NRK tends
toward the left.
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Interessant nok er det anderledes for TV2:
On TV2, we found a negative treatment of all parties, but more so of the
center-left parties, a tendency toward favoring the right that we did not expect.
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Det er altså klart at journalister, om enn ikke bevisst, favoriserer noen parti.

Jeg nevner bare at TV2, i motsetning til NRK, er delvis reklamefinansiert. Trekker ingen konklusjoner på det grunnlag.

Mer om NRK:

Det snakkes om hvordan programlederne introduserer gjester.
In conclusion, regarding welcoming and introducing, there was no bias in TV2. NRK,
on the other hand, was seen to clearly favor the center-left parties over the center-right

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On NRK, we found overall positive moderator treatment of the center/left alliance and
overall negative moderator treatment of the center/right parties.
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Mer detaljert:
The Labour Party has the largest positive
bias on descriptions and questions in the quantitative analysis (+9) and also a congruently positive thematic focus (+/+). The Socialist Party displays a slightly lower
positive bias (+5), and a congruently positive thematic focus (+/+). The only party to
exhibit a negative bias in all areas is the Conservative Party, with a negative bias (-1)
on descriptions and questions and a congruently negative thematic focus (-/-). The
other parties have less significant differences between positive and negative biases.
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Om hvordan deltakere fra publikum, som skal representere den jevne velger, er behandlet:
In conclusion, the analysis of ‘the average voter’ shows a systematic bias in favor of
the two major parties on the political left at the expense of the Conservative Party.
This refutes our expectation that the average voter features would rate similarly on a
positive/negative scale.
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