Tråd: Bombe i Oslo?
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Pågripelse/fengsling har ABB også en plan for:
“The third equipment cache (T)”

“The third equipment cache” is in reference to an optional third storage depot which
should contain a primary and a secondary weapon with silencer/red point aim, 1-3
shock/splint grenades, armour penetrating ammunition, primary body armour, nutrients
and stimulants (food/1-2 litres of water and a “camel back” to carry it in/1-2 Red Bulls,
2-3 Stack/ephedrine pills), 1000-5000 Euros, basic survival equipment: stop-watch,
lighter, knife, compass and a good map of the county/area/country in case you need to
travel through forests to avoid potential road blocks. You may have to sleep under the
stars for a couple of nights so consider adding a small, compact sleeping bag with some
water protective material which will allow you to create an improvised tent. You must
also include a back pack which will allow you to carry the above equipment and warm
clothing/a disguise (a police uniform with forged police insignia/ID, mustache, glasses
and a police cap/hat). If you encounter anyone it will be easy to explain that you are in
pursuit of the suspect (the news story which explains that “you have escaped” will
therefore act to your benefit as it will give credibility to your “cover story”.

This equipment/gear will allow you to get to safety so that you may be able to execute the
bonus mission, in a scenario where you manage to escape from prison. You must also
remember to properly conceal a shovel close to the storage location as you will use it to
dig up the actual container when the time comes.
This depot is intended to work as a cache in a scenario where the Justiciar Knight
survives his operation and where he faces apprehension and subsequent incarceration.
When incarcerated, the Justiciar Knight should do everything in in his power to escape
from prison. If he succeeds, he may initiate a “bonus operation” which consists of the
assassination of 3-5 primary category B traitors/multiculturalists. Prior to his arrest he
must acquire at least basic intel on his targets (picture, address, full name) so that he
may execute his operation in a timely and professional manner (the 3-5 executions
combined should take no longer than 1-3 hours). After the escape from prison and after
the equipment is retrieved; the Justiciar Knight will expropriate a vehicle from a civilian
and initiate his mission (if you fear there are road blocks you may want to sleep camp in
the forrest for 1-2 days). It is essential that the Justiciar Knight memorises the intel and
container location prior to apprehension.

As for selecting the location for the container; you may want to consider choosing a
storage location in close proximity to your country's most secure/high tech prison facility.
This advice may however be counter productive as the system protectors of your country
will acquire this intel and may implement counter measures. When incarcerated, the
Justiciar Knight should publish his execution list on his blog (through his communications
proxy on his support page/Knights Templar page) – 5 names. However, it must be noted
that the publishing of the names is a PR stunt which is intended to influence the given
individuals politically. As such, the 5 named category A or B traitors should not be
hardened Marxists (as it is not realistic to influence them as they are often willing to die
for Marxism) but rather suicidal humanists or career cynicists. This way, the publication
of the names is likely to influence the individuals which may result in them officially
changing political standpoints or resigning from office. This way, the Justiciar Knight
through this very effective media stunt, is able to influence national politics in a positive
way from the inside, prior to his escape. The published list of 5 names should include a
disclaimer which explaines that they may be taken off the list if they denounce their
multiculturalist/pro-Islamisation views. The true list should not contain these listed
individuals as they are likely to be placed under armed police guard shortly after the
point of your escape. Approximately 10-20 of our most attractive targets in given country
are likely to be under armed police guard so choose 5 targets that are not likely to be
selected for armed protection. The actual 5 targets may be any category A or B traitors;
hardened influential Marxists, or multiculturalist career cynisists or suicidal humanists.

End note: to any prison guard, police officer or other law enforcement officer reading
this; know that it is your duty to indirectly facilitate any and all Justiciar Knights (look the
other way when the time comes, blame incompetence or ignorance). You should know by
now that we, the patriotic Justiciar Knights, are fighting the good fight, YOUR FIGHT, for
you, so that you and your family may have a chance to live in a future society that is not
suffering under or is controlled by Islam. If you contribute to the persecution or
apprehension of a Justiciar Knight, know that you are not only betraying your country,
your people, your culture, your identity and your ancestors. You are betraying your self
and your children as well! So when the time comes, look the other way. That is all we
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