Tråd: Bombe i Oslo?
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Autumn – 2009 – Birthday party
My best friend, Peters, 30th birthday. We are going to Budapest to party hard for 5 days.
This is my second trip to Hungary. I really love that country and the people. Clubs in Buda
are top notch. Excellent elektronika scene, among the best in the world. Hungarian girls are
hot as hell, too bad I have to avoid relationships for the good of my mission. Doesn’t hurt
having fun though I don’t think I’ve consumed this much alcohol for many years, totally
awesome. My best friends, Martin, Axel, Marius and Peter went down and hooked up with
another band of Norwegians we have known for some years. One of Martins best friends
are Jon-Niclas, really cool guy. He’s a rather well known Norwegian comedian, together
with his partner and friend Anders, and a few others. We had a lot of fun down there, the
ten of us. Most of us know each other from Nissen High School in Oslo.


Ikke veldig mange samarbeidende komikere ved navn Jon-Niklas og Anders... :O
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Stemmer ihvertfall at de gikk på Nissen VGS;

Vi traff hverandre på Hartvig Nissens vgs i Oslo 1998. Rønning gikk i 3. og Bye i 1. klasse. Bye & Rønning-samarbeidet begynte som en sommerjobb i Topp radio i 99. Der jobbet vi døgnet rundt i fire uker med å lage undergrunns humor-radio. Sendingene der besto av stuntreportasjer med gamle fylliker og vitser fortalt av narkomane. Vi hadde 2 lyttere og fant fort ut at det var parodiene som kanskje var det morsomste... Etter det debuterte vi på standupklubbben Lille i Bygdø Alle i 2000. I 2002 kunne vi leve 100% av humor.

Hilsen Anders og Jon Niklas
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Sist endret av daimeno; 24. juli 2011 kl. 02:07.