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Media virker som om de er veldig opptatt av å finne ut mest mulig om Anders Behring Breivik, men av en eller annen grunn har jeg ikke sett en eneste media kanal nevne at han var frimurer.
Noen som vet hvilken rang og losje han var medlem i?
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Eneste jeg har funnet fra boka så langt tyder på rank 3 i Norwegian Masonic Greater Lounge.?

Other social related matters

Annual grouse hunting trip, Oslo Pistol Club, Norwegian Masonic Greater Lounge

After 5 years in the Freemasons I was finally accepted for rank 4-5 (it’s a combined rank). However, due to lack of time I decided to decline the offer. I told them I would be unavailable until Autumn 2011, due to extensive traveling.

2002: Founding member (national representative) of the PCCTS, Knights Templar, in London (April).

Personal facts:

Name: Andrew Berwick
Nationality: Norwegian
Born: February 1979
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Ethnicity: Nordic/Norwegian
Address: Oslo ,Norway
Personality: Optimistic, pragmatic, ambitious, creative, hard working
Political view: Cultural conservative, revolutionary conservative, Vienna school of thought, economically liberal
Religion: Christian, Protestant but I support a reformation of Protestantism leading to it being absorbed by Catholisism. The typical “Protestant Labour Church” has to be deconstructed as its creation was an attempt to abolish the Church
Religious: I went from moderately to agnostic to moderately religious
Education: Non-formal equivalent to 7 years + at university level
Professions: Investor, Director, Manager - founder of several companies, Small business management (including organisational development), political analyst, author, stock analyst/trader. Im unsure whether resistance fighter (Justiciar Knight Commander) and martyr counts as a profession
Nicotine: Yes
Alcohol: Occasionally
Drugs: No
Tattoos: No
Sports: Snowboarding, fitness (body building/spinning), running
Watch sport: Only women’s sand volley ball:P Perhaps I would if Norway didn’t suck so hard in footbal
Name of your primary weapon: Mjöllnir
Name of your side arm: Gungnir
Hobbies: Political analysis, studying new topics, Free Mason, Heraldry, Genealogy, gaming (MMO or Modern Warfare 2), travelling – learning about new cultures, music, friends. I have had the privilege of experiencing the following countries:

Sweden, Denmark, UK, Germany, Poland, Belarus, France, Austria, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, US, Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia.

utdrag fra en flere sider lang Q/A han har laget.

Q: What would you say to your European brothers and sisters?

A: Know that you are not alone in this struggle. We have tens of millions of European sympathisers and tens of thousands of brothers and sisters who support us fully and are willing to fight by our side. The numbers are increasing annually as more and more people learn to understand what is going on; witnessing the cultural Marxist/ multiculturalist/Muslim atrocities and seeing the Muslim populations increase. Know that you have loyal brothers and sisters in your country and all around Europe – Great Britain, Russia, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Serbia, Norway, Switzerland, Andorra, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Cyprus and the Vatican City. Even Christian Cultural Conservatives in Moldova and Albania.

“I began the revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I would do it with 10 or 15 who had absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and a plan of action.”

Fidel Castro

To be here is a privilege. To see clearly is optional. To do the right thing is a duty. It’s critical that you do not allow the frustration and pain to consume you before you actually manage to contribute. Be pragmatical whatever you choose to do. There are many ways to contribute to the struggle. Becoming a Justiciar Knight is just one out of several manifestations of the struggle:

Front 1-7 (all non-military), any career/effort that lets you influence others and society

You can be a blogger, spreading the truth about the topics listed in this book.

Create a blog today and spread the Conservative Revolution;, Register your blog with nationalist/patriotic/conservative blog networks so you can stay in touch with others like you. Create a channel on Youtube or join other patriotic channels. You can publish your videos by creating an account.

You can infiltrate multiculturalist blogs and forums spreading the same arguments and documentation which will contribute to recruit more and sow doubt in the hearts of our enemies. Our enemies have thousands of ”internet apologists” doing the same to us.

You may try to influence the democratical process by infiltrating the MA100 political parties (parties supporting multiculturalism) and weaken their resolve from the inside.

You can seek a career in the police force or the military with the goal of reaching positions where you gain influence when the window of opportunity opens up within a few decades. The military command is perhaps the most important arena as it will be extremely important in phase 2 and 3.

You can seek a career in any media organisations, particularly the broadcast media.

Academic infiltration is just as important as joining the guerrilla movement in phase 1. You might not see immediate results but you are playing a crucial role.

Another much underestimated task is procreation. By having as many children as possible and ”moulding them into conservative warriors; to fight with the pen or the sword” will be the key to our future victory. We need a new generation who has been shielded from the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist indoctrination campaigns and we need brothers and sisters who parent these future Europeans heroes. If you are not willing to sacrifice your own life, then I would strongly advise you to make babies and ensure that they will be willing to sacrifice theirs when the time is right.

It’s really important that you focus on enjoying life and having fun in this process. Being a bitter old goat behind a computer will only drive you to depression, and defeat. Convert your frustration and anger to motivation and resolve. Be positive!

Do not act prematurely. We still have decades so use the time wisely. Above all, do not sell your life cheaply when the time comes!

The selfless struggle and resistance of an ever increasing number of Europeans has renewed my hope that there is yet great good left within Europe. We can depart without fear that darkness will prevail in our absence.

“If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.”

Lao Tzu

Paying the price for multiculturalism – My personal experiences – 8 unprovoked assaults and multiple threats and attempted robberies by Muslims in Oslo, Norway

osv osv osv med sånn her psykotisk tankegang går det igjennom hele forbanna manifesten etterhvert nede i biografen hans står det alt han har gjort fra 90tallet til 2007, men 2008 mangler helt fra boka hans, men så prøvde jeg og søke etter 2008 så fant jeg ut at veldig mye av det han bruker som fakta i manifesten er hendelser fra 2008..
Så spørmålet mitt blir når starta han med denne adferden.? og hvorfor mangler alt etter 2008, da han starta og planlegge massakren? for han må ha leste seg opp i mange år på mange områder før han har blitt så her hjernevaska av seg selv,mye mulig han har fått hjelp fra miljøet sitt også men.! for mange tanker for lite svar.... Kondolerer til alle på utøya