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Sitat av KevinNice Vis innlegg
Dokumentarer er nada verdt i en diskusjon sier du? Dokumentarer er minst like pålitelige som wikipedia oppslag, om ikke mer.
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Dokumentarer er nada verdt når du ikke en gang kan henvise til den! Alt du sier er at det på ett eller annet tidspunkt har gått en dokumentar på History Channel – en kanal viden kjent for å sende store mengder spekulativ søppel – som antyder at romvesener står bak påståtte hendelser i "Bermuda-triangelet". Det har null troverdighet. Du kunne like så godt sagt at du har lest i en uspesifisert bok at det finnes UFOer.

Hvis du faktisk gjør litt objektiv faktasjekking, i stedet for å svelge slik søppel med krok og snøre fordi det høres spennende ut, så vil du se at det ikke er noe som helst tyngde bak påstander om at Bermuda-triangelet eksisterer som noe annet enn en tegning på et kart.

Sitat av US Navy
The "Bermuda Triangle" or "Devil's Triangle" is an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States of America, which is noted for a supposedly high incidence of unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft. The apexes of the triangle are generally believed to be Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The US Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name. The US Navy does not believe the Bermuda Triangle exists. It is reported that Lloyd's of London, the world's leading market for specialist insurance, does not charge higher premiums for vessels transiting this heavily traveled area.
It has been inaccurately claimed that the Bermuda Triangle is one of the two places on earth at which a magnetic compass points towards true north. Normally a compass will point toward magnetic north. The difference between the two is known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as much as 60 degrees at various locations around the World. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, navigators can find themselves far off course and in deep trouble. Although in the past this compass variation did affect the "Bermuda Triangle" region, due to fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field this has apparently not been the case since the nineteenth century.
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Sitat av US Navy
To someone unprepared to take on the immense work of scientific research, supernatural phenomenon make for an easy answer. But, it is amazing how many supernatural things become natural when scientifically investigated.

There are a number of natural forces at work in the area known as the Devil's Triangle, any of which could, if the conditions were right, bring down a plane or sink a ship.

Many reputable scientists refuse to talk to anyone concerning the Devil's Triangle simply because they do not want their good names and reputations associated with notions they consider ridiculous.

One expert on ocean currents at Yale University, who asked not to be identified, exploded into laughter at the mention of the triangle and said, "We confidently, and without any hesitation, often go to sea and work in that area." Another scientist refused to talk about it.
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Sitat av Wikipedia
Documented evidence indicates that a significant percentage of the incidents were inaccurately reported or embellished by later authors, and numerous official agencies have stated that the number and nature of disappearances in the region is similar to that in any other area of ocean.
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