Tråd: Hello World.
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er det faktisk en kode eller er du bare sarkastisk? xD
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Design Principles
  • A programming language should be writable and readable by orang-utans.
  • To this end, the syntax should be simple, easy to remember, and not mention the word "monkey".
  • Bananas are good.

Since the word "ook" can convey entire ideas, emotions, and abstract thoughts depending on the nuances of inflection, Ook! has no need of comments. The code itself serves perfectly well to describe in detail what it does and how it does it. Provided you are an orang-utan.

Det er laget Ook-tolkere i Ruby, Python, Perl m.m., og det finnes til og med en Ook# for .net-plattformen.
Sist endret av tormaroe; 19. januar 2011 kl. 23:06.