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Chuck Palahniuk er mannen bak boken Fight Club, som sikkert mange av dere har sett på film. Mannen har en fantastisk måte å uttrykke seg på, og det er tydelig i alle bøkene hans at han har gjort grundig research. Min absolutte favorittforfatter.

Haunted plot (tatt fra wikipedia): The main story centers on a group of seventeen individuals (all of whom go by nicknames based on the story they tell) who have decided to participate in a secret writers' retreat, frequently compared by characters to the Villa Diodati retreat of 1816. After having noticed an invitation to the retreat posted on the bulletin board of a cafe in Oregon, the characters follow instructions on the invitation to meet Mr. Whittier, the retreat's organizer. Whittier tells them to each wait for a bus to pick them up the next morning and bring only what they can fit into one piece of luggage (in particular, only what they feel they need most).

The next day, the seventeen characters, Whittier, and his assistant Mrs. Clark are driven to an abandoned theatre. Whittier locks all of them inside the theatre, telling them they have three months to each write one story before he will allow them to leave. In the meantime, they will have enough food and water to survive, as well as heat, electricity, bedrooms, bathrooms, and a clothes washing and drying machine provided.

The characters live under harmless conditions at first. However, the group (not including Whittier or Clark) eventually decide that they could make a better story of their own suffering inside the theatre, and thereby become rich after the public discovers their fate. They then begin to individually sabotage the food and utilities provided to them, each character trying to only destroy one food or utility to slightly increase the drama of their stay. However, as no single character is aware of the others' plans, they end up destroying all their food and utilities, forcing all of them to struggle to survive starvation, cold, and darkness.

The format of the book is unique. Each chapter contains three sections: a story chapter, a poem about a particular writer on the tour (its author is unknown) and a story written by that writer.

Alt i alt..fantastisk bok, fantastisk ekkel. Den første novellen i historien heter Guts og ekstremt kvalm. Når Palahniuk var på bokturné med denne boken og leste Guts høyt opplevde han stadig at folk besvimte.

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