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If you like Skins, you might like...
Posted: Nov 30, 2009 9:04 AM
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Does anyone here watch Shameless?

For those of you not familiar with it, this is how Wikipedia explains the show:
Shameless is a BAFTA award-winning British comedy drama television series set in the fictional Chatsworth council Estate, Manchester, England. The comedy drama, centred on UK underclass and working class culture, has been accorded critical acclaim by various sections of the British media, including The Sun newspaper and Newsnight Review on BBC Two. Shameless is one of the most successful recent British tv programmes, a comedy with touching storylines and an ensemble cast make the most of a script fuelled by sex, drugs and alcohol.

The new season started here in the US this past Friday on Sundance Channel.
I strongly recomend it if you like quirky and sometimes too edgy British comedies. The cast is quite large so it might take an episode to get familiar with the characters. If you like Skins, I think you will like this show as well.
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Skins er en konge serie. Så faktisk ferdig sesong 2 for tredje gang i natt Har ikke sett shameless, men det virker litt likt, skal sjekke ut.