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2004 - Disc # 4

Multiple Sclerosis and Medical Cannabis, with Jim Miller-
Husband of MS patient Cheryl Miller, Jim tells their story of love, suffering and activism, from first learning of marijuana's efficacy to pressuring members of Congress. After Cheryl's passing, Jim and other MS patients formed the Multiple Sclerosis Patients Union -

Multiple Sclerosis & Medical Cannabis, Denis Petro, MD -
Dr. Petro, Consulting Neurologist and drug researcher, looks at history of medical marijuana use in Multiple Sclerosis and spasticity, recent trials using Cannabinoids and Cannabis extracts to treat MS and prospects for approval in the U.S.

Oromuscosal Cannabis-based Medicine, Geoffrey Guy, MD -
"From Plant to Prescription Medicine" - Introduced by Don Wirtshafter, Geoffrey Guy, Founder and Executive Chairman, GW Pharmaceuticals, UK, explains why extracts of Phyto-Cannabinoids THC & CBD need to represent the natural balance of the Cannabis plant. Describing Cannabinoid action as a "Super-Modulator", Dr. Guy discusses clinical trials involving Multiple Sclerosis (MS), spinal cord injury and neuropathic pain.

Interaction between Opiates and Cannabinoids, by Sandra Welch, PhD -
Sandra Welch, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Virginia Commonwealth University, examines the analgesic effects of combining Cannabinoids and Opiates. A synergistic effect was found that required must less opiate drugs to be used for acute and chronic pain.

Psychological & Physical Health of Long-Term Cannabis Users, Richard Musty, PhD-
Professor of Psychology at University of Vermont, Richard Musty, PhD examines research on light and heavy marijuana users, from cancer questions to cognitive tests.

2004 - Disc # 5

Pediatrics and Medicinal Cannabis, with Ethan Russo, MD-
Dr. Ethan Russo presents worldwide history of medical marijuana used for childhood diseases: including colic, seizures, pertussis, diarrhea, parasites, wasting syndrome, asthma, tetanus and others. Founding editor of the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, Dr. Russo also addresses recent science on anti-cancer agents in Cannabis, ADHD and epilepsy.

Cannabis Efficacy in Treating ADD & ADHD, by David Bearman, MD -

Dr. David Bearman, practicing physician from Santa Barbara, CA, postulates reasons for ample anecdotal evidence that marijuana works for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. "Cannabis slows sensory input via synaptic inhibition.", citing role of cannabinoids in neurotransmitter balance.

Medical Cannabis in British Columbia, by Philippe Lucas -

Founder of the Vancouver Island Compassion Society and Director, Canadians for Safe Access, Philippe Lucas comes to 2004 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference. Because Health Canada has lagged in medical marijuana research and patient advocacy, VICS, with other organizations, has funded several studies and research protocols, with strain / symptom correlations.

A Cannabis Kid, by Christopher Largen -
At 2004 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference, journalist Christopher Largen relates his personal use of medical marijauna as a child, contrasting it with the effects of Ritalin. George McMahon, one of the Legal Federal IND medical marijuana patients and a director of Patients Out of Time, co-wrote with Christopher Largen.

Mothers Know Best about Medical Cannabis, Part 1 -
Mae Nutt, mother of a cancer patient describes her education about medical marijuana to 2004 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference. Then Ann McCormick, mother of Childhood Cancer Survivor, Todd McCormick tells their story.

Mothers Know Best about Medical Cannabis, Part 2 -
Debbie Jeffries, mother of ADHD patient, and her mother LaRayne Jeffries co-wrote “Jeffrey’s Journey”, how medical marijuana capsules moderated oppositional defiant behavior. Then Patricia R. Skidmore, RN, MSN, HNC and mother of an AIDS patient tells her story.

2004 - Disc # 6

Legal Cannabis Patients - Irvin Rosenfeld & Elvy Musikka -
Receiving Medical Marijuana grown by U.S. Government on Investigational New Drugs Program, two Federal IND patients speak to 2004 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference. Irvin Rosenfeld, a stockbroker from Florida, has a rare bone disease that causes painful tumors and receives 300 marijuana cigarettes per month. Elvy Musikka has glaucoma and has smoked Federal Cannabis for 31 years.

Cannabis -Risk of Dependence, with Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD, FAAN -
Observing Jamaican cultural taboo against crack-cocaine use and social acceptance of ganja (marijuana), Professor Melanie Dreher, College of Nursing, University of Iowa, tells 2004 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference how Jamaican women relinquish cocaine addiction by using ganja and impact of maternal crack use on children.

Question & Answer - 2004 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference
Closing the conference on medical marijuana in Charlottesville, VA, all the speakers gather to field questions from the conference attendees. Moderated by Mary Lynn Mathre, President of Patients Out of Time, hosts of the conference
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