Tråd: Stilnoct
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Hva med å faktisk sjekke kjente bivirkninger før man spør om erfaringer fra andre hobbybrukere?
Det er samme virkestoff som i pillen Ambien og bivirkningene er jo så kjent at det er parodiert på The simpsons.

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There have been reports of people doing things while they are asleep after taking this medicine that they do not remember when they wake up. These include sleepwalking, sleep driving, making phone calls and preparing and eating food. These events may be more likely if you drink alcohol, or take other medicines with sedative effects (see end of factsheet) in combination with this medicine. If you think this could be happening to you, you should let your doctor know.
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Sist endret av Mith; 12. mai 2009 kl. 09:06.