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Sitat av atomet Vis innlegg
Israel PRØVER ikke å drepe flest mulig sivile, men at de rett og slett driter i hvilke sivile tap de påfører palestinerne er ganske tydelig, noe det har vært i mange år.
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Sitat av wFull
With over 400 Palestinians killed since the beginning of the operation, the UN has claimed that a quarter are innocent civilians. While the IDF says it regrets the loss of innocent life, tactically the ratio is relatively low, considering the urban warfare setting Hamas operates from within and the fact that the terror group uses civilian infrastructure, as well as civilians as human shields.

Despite this, the IAF does the maximum to minimize collateral damage and in many cases calls homes before bombing them to allow the inhabitants several minutes to evacuate before the bombing.

In some cases though the residents decided to climb to the roof of their homes hoping that the IAF would not bomb if it saw people from the air.

In response, the IAF fired nearby the building, showing its determination. The people are then seen fleeing the building which is then bombed, setting off secondary explosions caused by the large weapons cache stored inside.

The importance in targeted killings cannot be underestimated. In 2004, for example, within the span of a month, Israel killed Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and his successor Abdel Aziz Rantisi, After the spate of assassinations, Hamas asked Israel for a hudna, cease-fire.
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