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Main article: Electroshock weapon controversy

Because of the use of electricity and the claim of the weapon being non-lethal, controversy has sprouted over particular incidents involving the weapon and the use of the weapon in general. Generally, controversy has been centered around the justification of the use of the weapon in certain instances, and in some cases, health issues that are claimed to be due to the use of the weapon.

In independent reviews, the devices are usually verified as non-lethal, but the manufactures instructions and disclaimers often warn of possible fatalities.[22][23][24]

While they are not technically considered lethal, some authorities and non-governmental organizations question both the degree of safety presented by the weapon and the ethical implications of using a weapon that some, such as Amnesty International, allege is inhumane. As a result, a number of civil liberties groups would like to see tasers banned.[citation needed] Amnesty International has documented over 245 deaths that occurred after the use of tasers

diverse ting sakset fra wikipedia så tror nok du fort kan få litt ettervirkninger av det selv om det skal være harmløst.

750,000 volt mellom to elektroder? Tviler.... Les wikipedia om de som hevder og være opptill 900,000 er sjelden såpass sterke da de ikke tar med motstanden og lignende som er i lufta hele tiden. Med mindre du skal sjokke noen på månen må du ta hensyn til en hel del andre ting også. Derav les wikipedia på bruk av elektrosjokk våpen.

Når du snakker om såkalte scorpion stingers eller drive tazing eller dry tazing alt ettersom hva du vil kalle det som er å presse den mot personen har du mere kontroll mens når du har en som skyter ut 2 elektroder så har du mindre kontroll over hva du treffer og hvordan strømmen går når du setter i gang og pumpe strøm i personen.
Med 245 dødsfall på lista tror jeg man skal være forsiktig med å leke med de.

Men for all del husk på at våpensmugling er litt kjipt og få på rullebladet. Da tenker jeg du blir rimelig populær om du skal inn i visse land.....

The internal circuits of most electroshock weapons are fairly simple, either based on an oscillator, resonant circuit and step-up transformer or diode-capacitor voltage multipliers to achieve the continuous, direct or alternating high-voltage discharge may be powered by one or more 9 V battery depending on manufacturer, and model. The output voltages without external "load" (which would be the target's body) are claimed to be in the range of 50 kV up to 1000 kV, with the most common being in the 200 to 300 kV range. However since air has a dielectric breakdown (Emax) of 3000 kV/m, it is clear that the spacing of the electrodes will not permit the upper range of claimed voltages (900 kV representing a minimum electrode spacing of about 30 cm). The output current upon contact with the target will depend on various factors
Sist endret av mp34567; 23. oktober 2007 kl. 23:18.