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[03:54:05] *** karto0n (kart00n@bone.down.org) has joined #maxpayne
[03:54:09] *** poop sets mode: +v karto0n
[03:54:21] <kurgon> sup toon
[03:54:28] <Theric> us the max editing tool user friendly?
[03:54:36] <kurgon> uh
[03:54:42] <kurgon> why dont you download it and find out
[03:54:47] <kurgon> like everyone else.
[03:55:13] <Th3Virus> http://www.veforums.com/Forum33/HTML/001925.html <== go there, and shut up about multiplayer =P
[03:55:27] <Th3Virus> Theric: no. no, and uhm.. no
[03:55:29] <kurgon> lol
[03:55:29] <kurgon> virus
[03:55:32] <kurgon> your always here
[03:55:34] <kurgon> and so helpful
[03:55:36] <kurgon> heh
[03:55:44] <Th3Virus> *grin* *girly giggle*
[03:55:46] <Th3Virus> =P
[03:55:51] *** ^ReaperX (~poncho@c858419-b.grlnd1.tx.home.com) has joined #maxpayne
[03:56:14] *** s7orm (kart00n@rawr.voltron.co.uk) has joined #maxpayne
[03:56:17] *** slimjim- (kart00n@pussy.licker.org) has joined #maxpayne
[03:56:19] *** poop sets mode: +v s7orm
[03:56:19] *** smut sets mode: +o s7orm
[03:56:19] *** nads sets mode: +o s7orm
[03:56:19] *** redman sets mode: +o s7orm
[03:56:21] *** zeus5 sets mode: +o s7orm
[03:56:21] *** poop sets mode: +v slimjim-
[03:56:21] *** poop sets mode: +o s7orm
[03:56:21] *** toonami sets mode: +o s7orm
[03:56:21] *** smut sets mode: +o slimjim-
[03:56:21] *** nads sets mode: +o slimjim-
[03:56:21] *** redman sets mode: +o slimjim-
[03:56:23] *** zeus5 sets mode: +o slimjim-
[03:56:23] *** poop sets mode: +o slimjim-
[03:56:23] *** toonami sets mode: +o slimjim-
[03:56:45] <Phun-Q> ok.. i will hack it
[03:57:17] <Phun-Q> i will reverse engeneer the max-payne game-engine and make a multiplayer addon.. or not
[03:57:22] *** s7orm sets mode: +v s7orm
[03:57:26] *** s7orm sets mode: +v slimjim-
[03:57:29] *** slimjim- sets mode: +b *!*@213.233.*
[03:57:29] *** s7orm sets mode: +o slimjim-
[03:57:34] <Th3Virus> uhm
[03:57:39] <kurgon> uh
[03:57:39] <kurgon> yah
[03:57:39] <kurgon> ok
[03:57:42] <kurgon> you do that
[03:57:44] <kurgon> and let me now in like
[03:57:46] <Th3Virus> phun: ya kinda need the source code to do that
[03:57:48] <kurgon> 30 yrs when you learn how to decompile
[03:57:56] <Phun-Q> naw
[03:57:56] <kurgon> Phun-Q: its the quake 2 engine
[03:58:00] <Phun-Q> haha
[03:58:00] <kurgon> i dont think your gonna be able to do shit
[03:58:05] <kurgon> so quit talking out of your ass
[03:58:07] <Th3Virus> and well im sure its 4057048305804 line code will easily be interpreted by 1 person
[03:58:07] <kurgon> k?
[03:58:07] <kurgon> thanks.
[03:58:19] <Phun-Q> i will make a new game engine from scratch.. :D
[03:58:34] <Th3Virus> thats possible
[03:58:35] <Phun-Q> max payne II
[03:58:38] *** s7orm sets mode: +l 70
[03:58:40] *** blunted1 (~blunted@rdu88-255-143.nc.rr.com) has joined #maxpayne
[03:58:40] <Th3Virus> if you know C++
[03:58:48] <kawabonga> Th3Virus: great idea ... for reversing you need the source code ...
[03:58:54] *** You were kicked by kurgon (stop talking out of your ass)
[03:59:09] *** Rejoined channel #maxpayne
[03:59:09] *** Topic is 'Need level help? http://www.xezol.com/maxpaynewt.shtml ask us after you read!'
[03:59:09] *** Set by kurgon on Mon Jul 30 23:10:50
[03:59:15] *** caca (kart00n@big-ca.ca) has joined #maxpayne
[03:59:16] <Phun-Q> wtf was that? ;D
[03:59:17] *** poop sets mode: +v caca
[03:59:17] *** s7orm sets mode: +v caca
[03:59:19] *** smut sets mode: +o caca
[03:59:21] *** slimjim- sets mode: +o caca
[03:59:21] *** s7orm sets mode: +o caca
[03:59:21] *** redman sets mode: +o caca
[03:59:21] *** zeus5 sets mode: +o caca
[03:59:21] *** poop sets mode: +o caca
[03:59:21] *** toonami sets mode: +o caca
[03:59:25] <kurgon> stop talking outta your ass
[03:59:32] <kurgon> you wont rewrite max payne
[03:59:35] <Th3Virus> kawa; =D i know
[03:59:38] <^ReaperX> hehe
[03:59:39] <Phun-Q> wait.. hold your thoughts.. brb
[03:59:40] <kurgon> you wont make a max payne 2
[03:59:43] <kurgon> so just shutup
[03:59:45] <Th3Virus> having the source would be so much easier
[03:59:47] <^ReaperX> hehe
[03:59:49] <kurgon> i hate people that talk outta their asses
[03:59:49] <^ReaperX> this is awsom e
[03:59:57] <Phun-Q> i have my sources... my inside men
[03:59:59] <^ReaperX> kurgon how smackin you biaaches ;)
[04:00:03] <^ReaperX> how= hoe
[04:00:05] <^ReaperX> ;)
[04:00:07] <Phun-Q> my vodka drinking finnish ppl
[04:00:10] <kurgon> LOL
[04:00:12] <kurgon> your insdie men
[04:00:16] <Th3Virus> kurgon: if i could talk out of my ass id be on Ripleys Believe it or Not
[04:00:17] <^ReaperX> heheh
[04:00:22] <Th3Virus> and prolly in Guiness
[04:00:24] <Th3Virus> =D
[04:00:24] <kurgon> lol
[04:00:39] <blunted1> Phun-Q you gonna rewrite it in perl? :)
[04:00:46] <^ReaperX> ANNOUNCEMENT: Th3Virus will be shown on the next episode of Ripley's beleive it or not
[04:00:48] <Th3Virus> hahahaha
[04:01:10] * ^ReaperX is only kiddin
[04:01:13] <^ReaperX> bbs
[04:01:43] <Th3Virus> i almost got in guiness
[04:01:43] <Phun-Q> no.. im gonna rewrite it in bat
[04:01:48] <Phun-Q> bat files ya know
[04:01:48] *** Buliwyf (bu@cc1032180-a.brick1.nj.home.com) Quit (Read error 73: Connection reset by peer)
[04:01:52] <Th3Virus> i used to be able to stack 4 golfballs
[04:01:58] <Th3Virus> and the current record was 3
[04:02:06] <Phun-Q> its gonna be totally textbased..
[04:02:07] <kawabonga> Th3Virus: in your butt ?
[04:02:09] *** hughy (patfrey@adsl-pool29-174.chicago.il.ameritech.net) has joined #maxpayne
[04:02:11] <Th3Virus> i did 4... called em up and they said i needed a video n shit
[04:02:13] *** kurgon sets mode: +b *!*phunq@*.bb.online.no
[04:02:13] *** You were kicked by kurgon (done listening to your non-sense.)
[04:04:11] -> *kurgon* holy jemina! oh why? OH WHY?! anything... anything except the ban..
Sist endret av Phun Q; 27. november 2001 kl. 15:58.