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Jeg er blitt infisert med adware... Trenger en liste over alle adware removal programmer som finnes. Finnes det noe bra real-time protection?
Sist endret av eda; 14. oktober 2015 kl. 20:49.
Prøv en scan med Malwarebytes i sikkerhetsmodus.
Laster du ned nok søppel, så er det ingen AV som tar alt. Har selv hatt god erfaring med MSE.
Copy paster et reddit svar hvor noen spurte om hjelp til moren sin PC. Tror nok den kan være relevant her

This could be my mother too - thankfully i'm only 15 mins away and these are the precautions I take to secure her laptop (plus I do monthly checkups on it)
It's a godsend for cleaning up browser infections - not a full cleaning app like malwarebytes - but it gives almost instant results
I find scanning is much faster if you do some tempfile cleanup first
This'll purge a lot of the temp file stuff, especially if you enable the winapp2.ini setting (but be careful and read the extra options carefully)
And for the really, really, really bad computers like your mothers, then Reddits own TRONscript to the rescue!
This 500mb download cleans, scrubs, scans, schedules, patches, updates, defrags any PC by running a sequence of common 3rd party apps like the aforementioned, all without intervention. For really bad cases, this can take 12-24 hours, but typically faster. The beauty is that it's all mostly unattended.
Also Ublock origin on chrome and firefox - that'll block a lot of the bad stuff (check the config sections to idiotproof it)
Bitdefender Free is an excellent AV solution - there's very little to configure (or misconfigure) and when done right, it silently blocks and cleans - i resort to it when dealing with users who deliberately "allow" a virus or malware to install.
Finally, block her from ever reaching the malware sites by using OpenDNS. Then any app can't access he blocked sites. http://www.computerworld.com/article...d-content.html[6]
(Teamviewer for remote support so you can connect in periodically and cleanup

Source: https://np.reddit.com/r/talesfromtec...a_long/cvvwrxy
Sist endret av Vekst; 14. oktober 2015 kl. 21:50.