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En gjeng med unge forskere har nylig posta sine funn for å bruke en kombinasjon av Chlorin e6 (Ce6), insulin og saltløsning til å skaffe seg nightvision.

A Review on Night Enhancement Eyedrops Using Chlorin e6

Artikkel med bilder fra testene:
Ce6 eyedrop application and testing photos

Paper i PDF-format (Creative Commons AttributionxShareAlike 4.0 International License): AReviewonNightEnhancementEyedropsUsingChlorine6.pdf


Sitat av Procedure
The Ce6 (Frontier Scientific, CAS: 19660x77x6 ), was found to be a fine black powder which
clung to all surfaces. To make manipulating the chemical easier, a large batch of the total
solution was made and then aliqouted into separate containers for storage.
200mg of Ce6 was mixed with 400 units (4ml) of insulin (70/30 Lantus). To this was added
5.38ml of sterile saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride). The mixture was sonicated briefly (30
seconds) to allow for proper dispersal of the powder into saturated solution and then 625μl of
DMSO (Amresco) was added. The solution was sealed with parafilm and sonicated for 150
seconds. The resulting liquid was thin and black in color. Solution was kept in glass aliqouts
wrapped in foil at 20°C.

For the application, the subject rested supine and his eyes were flushed with saline to remove
any microxdebris or contaminants that might be present. Eyes were pinned open with a small
speculum to remove the potential for blinking, which may force excess liquid out before it had
a chance to absorb. Ce6 solution was added to the conjunctival sac via micropippette at 3
doses of 50μl into each eye. After each application, pressure was applied to the canthus to
stop liquid from moving from the eye to the nasal region. Each dose was allowed to absorb
between reloading the pippette, with the black color disappearing after only a few seconds.
After application was complete, the speculum was removed and black sclera lenses were
placed into each eye to reduce the potential light entering the eye. Black sunglasses were
then worn during all but testing, to ensure increased low light conditions and reduce the
potential for bright light exposure.
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So yeah, noen kjemifreaks som har tenkt å prøve dette?

Hvilke risikoer er det her?

Har hørt om lignende effekt folk har hatt med Atropa belladonna -olje, noe som, så jeg søkte litt, og fant dette: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talaporfin

Talaporfin (INN, also known as aspartyl chlorin, mono-L-aspartyl chlorine e6, NPe6, or LS11)
Vis hele sitatet...
Og deretter: Forget the Goggles: Chlorophyll Eye Drops Give Night Vision

Og til slutt: instructables: Night vison eyedrops! (chlorophyll)

Så, folk har tydligvis laget øyedråper med klorofyll før, men tror dere Ce6 er bedre? Hvorfor/hvorfor ikke?

Man kan forresten få kjøpt Ce6 til $39 for 100mg på denne siden: Frontier Scientific - C34H36N4O6

Ville nok testet det på andre enn meg selv ja
Det høres rett og slett ut som en ulur ide å gjøre dette i et lyst rom som han på bilde, det er vel farer for skade på netthina? Btw, bildet her er sykt.
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