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Smelter i munnen
Kjøtt's Avatar

Jeg fant faktisk ingen tråder om akkurat dette. Slett tråden om jeg var for dårlig til å lete.

Jeg prater om tekster som virkelig fikk deg til å sette deg ned og høre på hva fyren eller dama prater om.

Jeg opplevde selv at en sang faktisk fascinerte meg til de grader for kun to dager siden.

The Game - My Life

Lil Wayne har naturligvis klart å føkke opp sangen så hardt han klarer, men the Game, som jeg nesten ikke hadde hørt før dette, overrasket meg meget positivt.

Ellers har vi jo
  • Joe Budden - Pray for Me
  • Eminem - Cleanin' Out My Closet

Kunne funnet noe mer, men bedre om dere kommer med noe.

Gi oss noe inspirasjon!
Den sykeste sangen jeg kan komme på må være Eminem - Kim .
Både teksten og stemningen i sangen er helt vanvittig syk!

Det er kanskje ikke helt hva du spør om, men syns likevel den er verd å nevne.
Smelter i munnen
Kjøtt's Avatar
Ja, den er definitivt syk! Personlig vil jeg allikevel ikke si at den er så godt skrevet, men definitvt verdt å nevne!

Edit: Sykt kan være så mangt...
immortal technique - dance with the devil
SPOILER ALERT! Vis spoiler
Fyren voldtar mora si
Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil!! Det er en sang som får meg til å virkelig lytte hver gang!
Og der var Novice før meg.. Din bæsj
Sist endret av Anarkorken; 7. oktober 2012 kl. 20:48.
fant foresten denne tråden fra ett annet forum Sick, Twisted and Sadistic songs

Litt googling til viste meg dette albumet 10 sanger om mord

Denne kjente jeg fra før Nick Cave - Where the Wild Roses Grow, hadde ikke hørt teksten før den var litt syk
Sist endret av Novice; 7. oktober 2012 kl. 20:52.
Smelter i munnen
Kjøtt's Avatar
Fint om noen har eksempler på sanger som faktisk er så bra at de rører deg, får deg til å tenke etc.. ikke bare sykt faenskap..?

Skulle ikke skrevet syke sangtekster...
- Flere av Eminems sanger.
- Joe Budden - Pray for me (Bra skrevet, IMO.)
- Joe Budden - Three Sides of a story(?)
- Nils m/ skils - Håpløs / Mattetime
- Immortal Technique sine.
- Vinnie Paz sine låter.
- Madchild - Monster / Devil Rejects(?)
Sitat av Kjøtt Vis innlegg
Fint om noen har eksempler på sanger som faktisk er så bra at de rører deg, får deg til å tenke etc.. ikke bare sykt faenskap..?

Skulle ikke skrevet syke sangtekster...
Vis hele sitatet...
Ja ja.. kanskje jeg orker lage en egen tråd om det en dag

Musikk som virkelig har rørt deg? en tråd fra freak som er ganske lang.. kanskje du finner no bra
The cumshots burde definitivt nevnes. Det er en del linjer der jeg rett og slett synes er fantastiske.

Last Laugh
I used to call you
My own and only reason for living
Now I never call you at all.
That's forgiving
And just to show that
Satan's still got some humour.
That growth in your stomach
Ain't a baby. It's a tumour.

Bitter Erection
So if you wanna
Be force-fed true depression
Why don't you fuckin' gag
On my bitter erection
And if you wanna see life
Through the eyes of the dying
Please take mine,
Because I'm way past crying

Black Silence
Where's that voice
Deep in our mind
The one that says it's ok
Not a sound. Just a black silence
Time. Can it go slower.
Life. Can it go lower

Praying for Cancer
I know you all think that I'm
How everybody will cry
When I'm gone
Well, if it's not about me,
But the way that YOU feel
Who's selfish?
Life is nothing but a race
For the finish line
Let's face it we're all gone die
And I'm just winning

Finnes en del andre bra tekster fra Christoffer Schau, der er det bare ett lite utvalg.
Rise Against - Hero of War (Spesielt siste verset får det til å gå kaldt nedover ryggen på meg. En av mine favoritt-sanger.)
Kanye West ft. Jay-Z - Diamonds From Sierra Leone (Remix) (Første verset sunget av Jay-Z er meget alvorlig og seriøst. Ellers er sangen ekstremt kul.)
2Pac ft. Elton John - Ghetto Gospel
Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms

Ellers er det jo såklart mange av Eminems sanger som faller under kategorien. Spesielt de første albumene, fram til Curtain Call (2005).
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - O'Malley's Bar

Denne er både syk og den har gjort inntrykk på meg..
Putter teksten i en spoiler, fordi den er så lang og da kan jeg fremheve det (jeg syns er det) sykeste..

SPOILER ALERT! Vis spoiler
I am tall and I am thin
Of an enviable hight
And I've been known to be quite handsome
In a certain angle and in certain light

Well I entered into O'Malley's
Said, "O'Malley I have a thirst"
O'Malley merely smiled at me
Said "You wouldn't be the first"

I knocked on the bar and pointed
To a bottle on the shelf
And as O'Malley poured me out a drink
I sniffed and crossed myself

My hand decided that the time was nigh
And for a moment it slipped from view
And when it returned, it fairly burned
With confidence anew

Well the thunder from my steely fist
Made all the glasses jangle
When I shot him, I was so handsome
It was the light, it was the angle
Huh! Hmmmmm

"Neighbours!" I cried, "Friends!" I screamed
I banged my fist upon the bar
"I bear no grudge against you!"
And my dick felt long and hard

"I am the man for which no God waits
But for which the whole world yearns
I'm marked by darkness and by blood
And one thousand powder-burns"

Well, you know those fish with the swollen lips
That clean the ocean floor
When I looked at poor O'Malley's wife
That's exactly what I saw

I jammed the barrel under her chin
And her face looked raw and vicious
Her head it landed in the sink
With all the dirty dishes

Her little daughter Siobhan
Pulled beers from dusk till down
And amongst the townfolk she was a bit of a joke
But she pulled the best beer in town

I swooped magnificent upon her
As she sat shivering in her grief
Like the Madonna painted on the church-house wall
In whale's blood and banana leaf

Her throat it crumbled in my fist
And I spun heroically around
To see Caffrey rising from his seat
I shot that mother fucker down
Mmmmmm Yeah Yeah Yeah

"I have no free will", I sang
As I flew about the murder
Mrs. Richard Holmes, she screamed
You really should have heard her

I sang and I laughed, I howled and I wept
I panted like a pup
I blew a hole in Mrs. Richard Holmes
And her husband stupidly stood up

As he screamed, "You are an evil man"
And I paused a while to wonder
"If I have no free will then how can I
Be morally culpable, I wonder"

I shot Richard Holmes in the stomach
And gingerly he sat down
And he whispered weirdly, "No offense"
And then lay upon the ground

"None taken", I replied to him
To which he gave a little cough
With blazing wings I neatly aimed
And blew his head completely off

I've lived in this town for thirty years
And to no-one I am a stranger

And I put new bullets in my gun
Chamber upon chamber

And I turned my gun on the bird-like Mr. Brookes
I thought of Saint Francis and his sparrows
And as I shot down the youthful Richardson
It was St. Sebastian I thought of, and his arrows
Hhhhhh Mmmmmm

I said, "I want to introduce myself
And I am glad that all you came"
And I leapt upon the bar
And shouted out my name

Well Jerry Bellows, he hugged his stool
Closed his eyes and shrugged and laughed
And with an ashtray as big as a fucking really big brick
I split his head in half

His blood spilled across the bar
Like a steaming scarlet brook
And I knelt at it's edge on the counter
Wiped the tears away and looked

Well, the light in there was blinding
Full of God and ghosts of truth
I smiled at Henry Davenport
Who made an attempt to move

Well, from the position I was standing
The strangest thing I ever saw
The bullet entered through the top of his chest
And blew his bowels out on the floor

Well I floated down the counter
Showing no remorse
I shot a hole in Kathleen Carpenter
Recently divorced

But remorse i felt and remorse I had
It clung to every thing
From the raven's hair upon my head
To the feathers on my wings

Remorse sqeezed my hand in it's fradulent claw
With it's golden hairless chest
And I glided through the bodies
And killed the fat man Vincent West

Who sat quietly in his chair
A man become a child
And I raised the gun up to his head

He made no attempt to resist
So fat and dull and lazy
"Did you know I lived in your street?" I said
And he looked at me as though I were crazy

"O", he said, "I had no idea"
And he grew as quiet as a mouse
And the roar of the pistol when it went off
Near blew that hat right off the house

Hmmmmm Uh Uh
Well, I caught my eye in the mirror
And gave it a long and loving inspection
"There stands some kind of man", I roared
And there did, in the reflection

My hair combed back like a raven's wing
My muscles hard and tight
And curling from the business end of my gun
Was a query-mark of cordite

Well I spun to the left, I spun to the right
And I spun to the left again
"Fear me! Fear me! Fear me!"
But no one did cause they were dead
Huh! Hmmmmm

And then there were the police sirens wailing
And a bull-horn squelched and blared
"Drop your weapons and come out
With your hands held in the air"

Well, I checked the chamber of my gun
Saw I had one final bullet left
My hand, it looked almost human
As I raised it to my head

"Drop your weapon and come out!
Keep your hands above your head!"
I had one one long hard think about dying
And did exactly what they said

There must have been fifty cops out there
In a circle around O'Malley's bar
"Don't shoot", I cried, "I'm a man unarmed!"
So they put me in their car

And they sped me away from that terrible scene
And I glanced out of the window
Saw O'Malley's bar, saw the cops and the cars
And I started counting on my fingers

Aaaaaah One Aaaaaah Two Aaaaaah Three Aaaaaah Four
O'Malley's bar O'Malley's bar

Lengste sangen jeg noen gang har hørt.. 15min med syk sykhet
Sist endret av Novice; 7. oktober 2012 kl. 23:30. Grunn: forbedre nøyaktighet
Ser Dire Straits Brothers in Arms er nevnt, veldig bra.

Vinnie Paz er også nevnt, men jeg må bare nevne den som er #1. End of Days - Vinnie Paz

Eminem - When I'm Gone. Jeg satt/sitter med tårer igjennom den når jeg begynte/lytter å lytte til teksten.

Eminem - Public Enemy #1. Veldig god tekst.
Sist endret av uaexed; 7. oktober 2012 kl. 23:38.
Deathmask Divine av The Black Dahlia Murder.

Tom Waits - Frank's Wild Years

Frank settled down in the Valley,
and he hung his wild years on a
nail that he drove through his
wife's forehead.

He sold used office furniture out
there on San Fernando Road and
assumed a $30,000 loan at
15 1/4 % and put a down payment
on a little two bedroom place.

His wife was a spent piece of used jet trash
Made good bloody-marys, kept her mouth
shut most of the time, had a little Chihuahua
named Carlos that had some kind of skin
disease and was totally blind.

They had a thoroughly modern kitchen;
self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)
Frank drove a little sedan.
They were so happy.

One night Frank was on his way home
from work, stopped at the liquor store,
picked up a couple of Mickey's Big Mouth’s.
Drank 'em in the car on his way to the
Shell station; he got a gallon of gas in a can.

Drove home, doused everything in
the house, torched it.
Parked across the street laughing,
watching it burn, all Halloween
orange and chimney red.

Frank put on a top forty station,
got on the Hollywood Freeway
headed North.

Never could stand that dog.
Sist endret av DonTomaso; 7. oktober 2012 kl. 23:43.
Liker denne sangen

Ellers kan man vel nevne alt av Cannibal Corpse, og mange andre death metal band
ikke spesielt "syk" men jeg finner teksten i sangen veldig tankevekkende
ta dere tiden med å høre hele
burde vært möderatör
Chemicals av Scars on Broadway er relativt hilarious.

For ikke å nevne Nympho av Borgore, haha. Den er virkelig et mesterverk!
SPOILER ALERT! Vis spoiler
Hey kids it's Borgore
Do you know what's hardcore?
Me shoving an elephant up your sister's back door
She wants foreplay, I don't wanna play what for

This bitch is so used, I wouldn't sell her at the second hand store
'Cause her pussy is so wide
That you could put your head inside
Bring ten of your friends
And have yourself a ride

I'm telling you this bitch is crazy
She needs to be arrested
She'll suck your dick so deep
That you'll feel your dick digested

I'm a nympho [x3]
You can get in my pants, skip the intro
I love my mom, my dad, and my dildo

She's a nympho [x4]
She likes to fuck all day, she never stops
You'll be the two girls she'll be the cup

Nympho... [x6]
Sokken min er våt - Meg og kameraten min

Kanksje ikke syk i den forstand dere mener, men syk er den!
Jeg syntes at denne sangen burde nevnes, selv om den er norsk har den syk lyrics, hør gjennom! RSP - Korsfarer
Gallows - Crucifucks:

Nail their bodies to the crucifix,
slit the throats of all the priests.
The last smile they will ever express,
a gaping hole running right through their necks.
The snakes get fat while the good rats die,
so all the pigs should be bled dry.
Who's with me?
All your sins will be forgiven,
when your blood begins to thicken.
You have no answers to our questions,
god bless this great depression.
The snakes get fat while the good rats die,
and all the pigs should be bled dry.
Who's with me?

Throw the bodies into the streets,
{we're} nothing more than rotting meat.
Taught not to bite the hand that feeds,
till it's cold and dry and no longer bleeds.
The snakes get fat while the good rats die,
so all the pigs should be bled dry.

The London metropolitan, all the fucking clergymen,
child abusers, national front,
rapists, racists, all fucking scum.
And they march hand-in-hand,
they rape our green and pleasant land.
Dust to dust, earth to earth,
the new born babies {should be} drowned at birth.
There ain't no future for England's sons,
their nine years old, and they all carry guns.
So take out your crowbars, take out your knives,
drain out your blood we all deserve to die.

It's time for us to take a stand,
we are dying on our knees in this grey broken land.
And all the martyrs they have convinced themselves,
that death ain't a sin, when you're living in Hell.
There ain't no glory, and there ain't no hope,
we will hang ourselves, just show us the rope.
There ain't no scapegoats left to blame,
we brought this on ourselves when we could have been the change.

Grey Britain is fucking dead,
so cut our throats, end our lives, let's fucking start again.
Prince Ea - Smoking Weed with The President. Flere strofer der som gir meg gåsehud av hvor sant det er.
A Perfect Circle - Pet
Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil..

Handler om en gutt som vil bli gangster og dreper moren sin uvitende, rett etter tar han selvmord. Detter er en ekte historie. Skrevet og sunget av venner aka gangsterene. Helt syk historie og dere burde høre sanger som vare i 6-8min, husker ikke helt.
The Doors - The end kan vell nevnes?

Ettersom sangen varer i rundt 12 minutter, kan jeg legge til teksten her:
SPOILER ALERT! Vis spoiler
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land
Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah
There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold
The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest
The blue bus is callin' us
The blue bus is callin' us
Driver, where you taken' us
The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother...I want to...WAAAAAA
C'mon baby,--------- No "take a chance with us"
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
On a blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
C'mon, yeah
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end
Sist endret av Prentasid; 8. oktober 2012 kl. 01:28.
ICP - In my room

Vil du ha syke tekster er det bare å høre på ICP og resten av gjengen fra psychopathic records.

"In My Room":
SPOILER ALERT! Vis spoiler

2:45 and the bell went off,
Thank God,
Many people think im odd
But I talk with no one,
And I walk alone,and I avoid sunlight with a chalky tone
I get home and dont say hi,
It aint no one there,
I dont care I walk in and go right up the stairs
To my room
Get in bed and just wait for dark cause thats when the real show starts (tap tap)
'tap tap' on the glass go the piece of ass'
So young and pretty its too bad she past
But she comes to my room and we talk at night,she's demonic and bloody,but she holds me tight
In my bedroom,with her im never alone,and I kiss her cold lips until morning comes
Then she gone,
I can still hear her voice loom.
But she only exists in the dark of my room

[chorus: x2]

(I cant ignore you)
In my room
(do anything for you)
(I do adore you)
In My Room...
You and I

I try to smile alot,but im always frontin,but I do love a ghost and atleast thats something.
She dont talk much,
When she do it get cold,
Usually we just lay there and we hold each other, we're lovers we dont need others,
One of my mother's cats jumped up on the covers
And it scared my baby guess she dont like pets so I twisted its fuckin head off at the neck
Look baby,
It's bloody, it's gone, it's doomed, please come back to the room I do anything for thy, dont ignore me this is more than a sick love story
W/o you id bring a shotgun to school and I will if you want me to for any reason
I hate that u leave when the lights come on and if I had it my way the fuckin sun would be gone!

[chorus x2]

Sometimes I kiss her and I start shakin,she slips me the tongue and it taste like bacon.
Uh oh somethings wrong baby's upset
She told me she was spotted by the neigbors kid
She cant come back now cause they know our secret
Unless I can make them keep it.
If I do she may come to life now in their yard with a shotgun and knife
Cut the screen
Went in and found the kid
Blew a bowl of spaghetti in the side of his head,the daddy was next runnin down the hall,I shredded his throat and he was
Quick to fall,tossed the mossberg and gripped the knife,started stabin the shit out of his wife,
Went home a bloody mess with a job well done.
Wash up and wait for my baby to come

[chorus x2]

I waited two or three days, four days, waited for the tap tap like always. I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess.
I waited two or three months, four months, waited for the tap tap just for once. I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess.
I waited two or three days, four days, waited for the tap tap like always. I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess.
I waited two or three months, four months, waited for the tap tap just for once. I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess.
Sist endret av Boo-Boo; 8. oktober 2012 kl. 01:32.
In Every Dream Home a Heartache - Roxy Music

Ikke akkurat en syk tekst, men har aldri hørt en mer sinister sang om en puledukke.
Brotha Lynch Hung - Return of da Baby Killa
Bad spit - Møte med en djevel
Jeg skyter meg på julaften fra dokumentaren "Store gutter gråter ikke"

Er kanskje en useriøs tekst, men sett i sammenheng med dokumentaren er det sterke ord.
Syd Barrett - Effervescing Elephant

An Effervescing Elephant
with tiny eyes and great big trunk
once whispered to the tiny ear
the ear of one inferior
that by next June he'd die, oh yeah!
because the tiger would roam.
The little one said: "Oh my goodness I must stay at home!
and every time I hear a growl
I'll know the tiger's on the prowl
and I'll be really safe, you know
the elephant he told me so."
Everyone was nervy, oh yeah!
and the message was spread
to zebra, mongoose, and the dirty hippopotamus
who wallowed in the mud and chewed
his spicy hippo-plankton food
and tended to ignore the word
preferring to survey a herd
of stupid water bison, oh yeah!
And all the jungle took fright,
and ran around for all the day and the night
but all in vain, because, you see,
the tiger came and said: "Who me?!
You know, I wouldn't hurt not one of you.
I'd much prefer something to chew
and you're all to scant." oh yeah!
He ate the Elephant


Syk, syk sang. Han var faktisk bare 16 år når han lagde den syke sangen der...
Necro - Dead body disposal -> må være en av favorittene mine. Youtube-link.
Sist endret av Huztle; 9. oktober 2012 kl. 10:52.
Dog Fashion Disco - Pogo the clown: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meQSUYJpPeU

Liker denne veldig godt! Om noen ikke visste det så var er pogo navnet på klovnen som John Wayne Gacy (seriemorder) pleide å kle seg ut som når han gjorde veldedighetsarbeid på barneavdelingen på sykehus

Pogo happy clown molester,
Paints his face to disguise the jester,
Joined the local moose lodge chapter,
Spawning evil ever after,
He picks his prey up at the bar,
Gets him drunk and in the car,
Drives him home and down the stairs,
Strips him to his underwear,

Pogo, your gonna burn in hell,

Murder victim slice and smile,
Serial killer, pedophile,
Look into those empty eyes,
You know it's your time to die,
As he cuts you up in little bits,
Cuts you up in little bits,
Goes bop, bop on your head again,
Spills your blood and know he's soaked in sin,

Pogo, your gonna burn in hell,

Drives all night through the city streets,
To hack up his victims like a piece of meat,
I spoke to the devil the other day and john is doing fine,
Oh, the end is true,
When the sun goes down on the city streets pogos coming after you.

Dog Fashion Disco har endel kule tekster..
Rammstein - Mein Teil
Teksten i seg selv er jo greit syk og handlingen sangen er basert på er enda verre...

La til teksten på engelsk for de av oss som ikke kan tysk.

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Looking for a well-built eighteen to thirty-year-old to be slaughtered
The Master Butcher

Today I will meet a gentleman
He likes me so much he could eat me up
Soft parts and even hard ones
are on the menu

Because you are
what you eat
and you know
what it is

It is my part – no
My part – no
Because that's my part – no
My part – no

The dull blade – good and proper
I'm bleeding heavily and feeling sick
Although I have to fight to stay awake
I keep eating while in convulsions

It's just so well seasoned
and so nicely flambéed
and so lovingly served on porcelain
And with it, a good wine and gentle candlelight
Yeah, I'll take my time
You've got to have some culture

Because you are
what you eat
and you know
what it is

It is my part – no
My part – no
Because that's my part – no
Yes it's my part – no

A cry will ascend to heaven
It will cut through hosts of angels
Feather-flesh will shriekingly fall
from the top of the clouds onto my childhood

It is my part – no
My part – no
Because that's my part – no
My part – no
Sitat av wubster Vis innlegg
Jeg skyter meg på julaften fra dokumentaren "Store gutter gråter ikke"

Er kanskje en useriøs tekst, men sett i sammenheng med dokumentaren er det sterke ord.
Vis hele sitatet...

Orginalt skrevet av Per Bergersen som overtalte en venn til å drepe ham med en hagle, så teksten er ikke så altfor useriøs.
Alt fra Tool, alle sangene deres kan tolkes på mange måter og har gjerne en spesiell betydning liggende bak seg eller noe annet fancy de har klart å dytte inn.

Lateralus, for eksempel, er basert på fibonacci-sekvensen. Videoen forklarer også mer om betydningen til sangen.

Forty Six & 2 er også fascinerende, kan copypaste noe fra wikipedia som forklarer det bedre enn jeg kan: The title references an idea first conceived by Carl Jung and later expounded upon by Drunvalo Melchizedek concerning the possibility of reaching a state of evolution at which the body would have two more than the normal 46 total chromosomes and leave a currently disharmonious state. The premise is that humans would deviate from the current state of human DNA which contains 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The next step of evolution would likely result in human DNA being reorganized into 46 and 2 chromosomes, according to Melchizedek.
Første sangen som virkelig rørte meg må være Tyven Tyven.

Preple mistet iløpet av 12 timer sin 4-årige datter til hjernehinnebetennelse.

"spør ingen ikke noen
suser i stål i ljåen
spjærer åpen himmel
ingen er trygg på engen

skjærer høsten uten blund
uten hvile: blind & stum
snart der så her som lyn
røver øyenstenen din

tyven tyven

finnes ei den bot som bøter
sønderslitte hjerter
ei pardon sparer ingen
hugger ned alle som en

tyven tyven

alle er vi like
for ljåen
hadde han sjel var den en skjæres
røver de som skinner mest

tyven tyven

tyven tyven
røvet øyenstenen
smyger i skyggen
bare vi er igjen

tyven tyven
tok det han fant
alt har vi gjemt
blir aldri glemt"

Gutta selv forteller.
Enkelte av sangene til det Tyske bandet ramstein omhandler en del seriemordere/kannibaler. Dette er jo etter forholdene ganske grovt. Dog er personene de omhandler grovere i virkeligheten!
Jeg tror mange misforstår hva ts mener med syke tekster.
Ikke grovest mulig tekster, slik som Cannibal Corpse - elendige rævtekster, men for all del, er jo syke i sin forstand.

Han tenker vel mer på skikkelig tankesvingere.
Ahh, da bommet jeg muligens noe med mine. Har faktisk ikke hørt på de jeg nevnte selv, har bare lest de. Men det er vel ikke nevneverdig gode.
Min nummer 1 er uten tvil Coldplay - Fix you.
Egentlig svært mye av Coldplay.

Metallica - Nothing else matters er jo også helt fantastisk.
Mama Said av Metallica får meg nesten til å gråte... (Beklager link til mobil youtube)

SPOILER ALERT! Vis spoiler

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2

Mama, she has taught me well
Told me when I was young
“Son, your life's an open book
Don't close it 'fore it's done”

The brightest flame burns quickest
Is what I heard her say
A son's heart's owned to mother
But I must find my way

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still, yeah still

Rebel, my new last name
Wild blood in my veins
Apron strings around my neck
The mark that still remains

Left home at an early age
Of what I heard was wrong
I never asked forgiveness
But what is said is done

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still

Never I ask you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave

Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave
So let this heart be still

Mama, now I'm coming home
I'm not all you wished of me
But a mother's love for her son
Unspoken, help me be

Yeah, I took your love for granted
And all the things you said to me, yeah
I need your arms to welcome me
But a cold stone's all I see

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still

Let my heart go
Mama, let my heart go
You never let my heart go
So let this heart be still, ohh

Never I ask you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave

Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave
So let this heart be still
Sist endret av Mort96; 9. oktober 2012 kl. 23:10.
2 LIVE CREW - We want some pussy.

Fra troll til alvor, det meste av Johnny Cash, kanskje i hovedsak Hurt er den eneste sangen som faktisk har fått meg til å tenke dype tanker.
Naken greve jager neger med øks.

Ikke virkelig syk, men er noe spesiell.

Adam Sandler - At a Medium Pace.

Denne er ganske syk.

Mine bidrag! =)
Vil vel egentlig nevne samtlige av Bobby Brun. Ikke alle som ligger alle, men:

Fattern:Pepsi Power
Bare Egil Band: Satanist

Og selvfølgelig: Baby
Sist endret av Parkett; 9. oktober 2012 kl. 23:53.