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Norwegian citizen suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tried to import cannabis of the Dutch company Bedrocan from a Dutch pharmacy to Norway, which was however confisciated by the border police. Mr Berg wanted to try a treatment with cannabis, which is supported by his doctor.

According to an e-mail to the IACM Mr. Berg. received a letter from a juridical adviser under the Health & Social Services (Ombudsman) telling him that the Norwegian Drug Agency has confirmed to them that he did not break the law by bringing cannabis from a Dutch pharmacy to Norway, according to article 75 of the Schengen agreement between EURopean countries. Mr. Berg is now expecting that he will get his cannabis back from the police.
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Reis til Nederland, bestill legetime, skaff deg resept på cannabis, handle 3mnd`s forbruk, reis til norge, gå på rødt i tollen og vis frem lovverket?

Er det noe i dette i det hele tatt? Blir litt skeptisk når jeg ser kilden de reffererer til som er: (Source: Personal communication by Mr Berg of 2 March 2011).

Ville dette vært mulighet i praksis? Jeg har ikke særlig peiling på lover å regler rundt dette med schengen-avtalen osv, men kanskje noen her inne kan forklare litt?