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Sitat av sixfeetunder Vis innlegg
Nå kan det vise seg at ACTA er helt død. Parlamentet i Nederland har stemt over ACTA og kommet frem til at de ikke kommer til å innføre det. For at ACTA skal kunne komme i effekt i EU må alle landene i EU stemme ja til det. Dermed vil EU mest sansynlig ikke kunne greie å innføre ACTA om de så ville.

Men det stopper ikke der. I Nederland har de også stemt for å aldri innføre en ACTA lik lov noen gang. Dermed blir det forhåpentligvis vanskelig for EU å komme opp med en ACTA v2.
Igjen viser Nederland at de verdsetter frihet.

Har også tatt med en link som viser hva som egentlig ble stemt over: On 29 May 2012, a majority of the Dutch parliament voted for three resolutions in the fight against ACTA. In short, the parliament requested the Dutch government to make the final decision to not sign or ratify ACTA (resolutions 1 and 2 below) and not to sign any new treaties similar to ACTA and to adapt its copyright policy to the internet (resolution 3 below).


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Noen som kan verifisere det denne kisen sier?

Sitat av ShelLuser
They agreed on some motions to reject it, but they are /not/ fully rejecting it just yet. In fact; right now the government awaits the result of the EU court which is currently investigating if ACTA violates basic rights for the EU citizens.
Once those results are in, only then will the government (which isn't even officially active; we're awaiting new elections) decide on its stance with regards to ACTA.
Its that reason why many politicians have called this action "Totally irrelevant" (quote from Maxime Verhagen, minister of economic affairs).
So we haven't said no yet. In fact; I wouldn't be one bit surprised if we'll simply let Brussel (EU) handle all this. That way our own politicians don't have to take any responsibility. Which of course is very preferable right before the elections are coming up.
Unfortunately our government has absolutely no problems by embedding (and enforcing) European law if that somehow suits them. Doesn't even matter if such a particular law goes right against local rulings or even makes the lives of us Dutch harder. "Sorry, that's the EU law".
(Of course when it doesn't really suit them they also have no problems /rejecting/ an EU law because... Well, for whatever reason they come up with at that time (not making this up, this has happened several times in the last years)).
As such; don't get your hopes up yet.
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Fant étt svar:

Sitat av imanidiot
Uhmm, the motion the parliament excepted IS to outright reject the ACTA agreement. This motion basically states: "no matter what the EU court says, we are going to reject it." And a large majority of the parties accepted it. (So finally they are atleast doing SOMETHING sensible)
I'm very curious where you got that quote from Verhagen though, I can't find a single reference to it anywhere. (And even if he did say it, just shows him as the EU lapdog he is)
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Det kan se ut som Nederland sier nei, men hva om USA setter inn sanksjoner mot Nederland?