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Ikke alle som forgriper seg på barn er pedofile? Hva mener du med dette?

Man kan absolutt gjøre ting i denne verden uten å like det, men i hvilke omstendigheter mener du at f.eks en som blir dømt for å ha sex med en mindreårig IKKE er pedofil? Snakker du om de andre flisespikkbegrepene som hebofil og ephebofil eller hva f. det heter?
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"It is very important for the public to understand that most child molesters are not pedophiles," Finkelhor told me over the phone. "[Many people] have the impression, when you talk about someone being a pedophile, that they have a permanent and unalterable sexual interest in children and, therefore, they are going to be dangerous under any circumstances and under any form of management—and that's not true," he says, adding that pedophiles constitute a minority of those who sexually abuse children, or who are child molesters.
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While pedophiles are, specifically, primarily attracted to prepubescent children, the majority of child molesters need not be. But why, then, would they abuse kids? The reasons are myriad, according to Finkelhor. "Because they don't have other access to sources of sexual gratification is the main reason—or that child may be very readily accessible, so someone who is a member of their family, for example," he says, adding that it has a frequent occurrence amongst those who might be primarily attracted to mature individuals as well. According to Finkelhor, it's also important to consider the age of the abuser; the population of juveniles who commit sexual abuse on other juveniles includes almost no pedophiles, per se, but constitiutes either one third or half of child sexual abuse cases.
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