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Edit: Her kjører jeg ut i off-topic-grøfta, og beklager nå i etterkant av innlegget dette. Men jeg anbefaler også både menn og kvinner å sette seg litt inn i dette. Forskjellene på oss. Det er ikke negativt, vi har tross alt klart å utfylle hverandres roller så godt og effektivt at vi bokstavelig talt har tatt over jordkloden.

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Sitat av DrDeath Vis innlegg
Damer har også testosteron, men vi har helt klart en fordel når det kommer til hvor mye
Vis hele sitatet...
Jaaa, altså vi har ørlite granne større mengder vi menn..

"Prior to puberty, there’s a difference in circulating testosterone concentrations between males and females.

The reason that men eventually have higher testosterone levels than women is because the testes in males produce 30 times more testosterone than they did pre-puberty.

And men have 15 times the amount of circulating testosterone than women at any age."

På Wikipedia er det ekstremt interessante seksjoner om forskjellen på menn og kvinner, fysisk og mentalt.
Likestilling er... ikke den mest gjennomtenkte ideen, og jeg tviler på at dem som er for total likestilling er klar over hvor stor forskjellen mellom kjønnene er.
Psykisk og fysisk.

"Sex differences in psychology are differences in the mental functions and behaviors of the sexes and are due to a complex interplay of biological, developmental, and cultural factors. Differences have been found in a variety of fields such as mental health, cognitive abilities, personality, emotion, sexuality, and tendency towards aggression. Such variation may be innate, learned, or both. Modern research attempts to distinguish between these causes and to analyze any ethical concerns raised."

"The female skeleton is generally less massive, smoother, and more delicate than the male;[10] its rib cage is more rounded and smaller, its lumbar curve greater, and a generally longer and smaller female waist results from the chest being more narrow at the base, and the pelvis generally not as high.[10]"

"The following further generalizations have been made regarding male-female skeletal differences:

Males in general have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments.[10]
Female skulls and head bones differ in size and shape from the male skull, with the male mandible generally wider, larger, and squarer than the female.[10][20] In addition, males generally have a more prominent brow, an orbital with rounded border, and more greatly projecting mastoid processes.[10]"

"The sex difference in muscle mass remains after adjusting for body weight and height.[24] Men are at least one-third stronger than women when adjusting for differences in total body mass, due to the higher male muscle-mass to body-mass ratio.[8] The greater muscle mass is reported to be due to a greater capacity for muscular hypertrophy as a result of higher levels of circulating testosterone in males."

"Gross measures of body strength suggest that women are approximately 50-60% as strong as men in the upper body, and 60-70% as strong in the lower body.[26] One study of muscle strength in the elbows and knees—in 45 and older males and females—found the strength of females to range from 42 to 63% of male strength."

Sist endret av krystallkongen; 1. januar 2023 kl. 22:17.