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Innebærer LIS-syndrom at man ikke har smaks- eller luktesans i tillegg til lamhet, blindhet og døvhet? At man er frarøvet absolutt alle sanser?
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Interessant spørsmål, som jeg også skriver om...

The ALS Association - Initial Symptoms of the Disease

Since ALS attacks only motor neurons, the sense of sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell are not affected. For many people, muscles of the eyes and bladder are generally not affected.
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Så vanligvis har personer med ALS ikke mistet alle sansene sine, og det hender personer med ALS for økt lukteans:

Learn More About Your Heightened Sense of Smell

The medical term for a heightened or increased sense of smell is hyperosmia.
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The majority rate their hyperosmia as either “moderate” (42%) or “severe” (28%). Interestingly, their primary conditions range from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) to multiple sclerosis (MS) to migraines
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Men... det finnes personer med ekstrem ALS, som får LIS-syndrom:

The ALS Association - Communication Guide

ii. Total Locked-in syndrome
1. Total locked-in syndrome is characterized by tetraplegia, anarthria and paralysis of eye motility (36)
a. There are no commercially available devices that will assist a person with TLS with communication.
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Ok, så om du har ALS og LIS-syndrom, da er det svært vanskelig å få kontakt uten hjernelesere, som jeg skriver om.

Om du synes dette temaet er interessant, slik som meg, les denne: Detecting consciousness in a total locked-in syndrome: An active event-related paradigm.