Tråd: Hacking
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Man hører at du snakker litt om ting du iklr har peiling på.
Betabot er det beste på markedet nå, hvorfor?
Betabot dreper allt annet virus på pcen, som gjør at om du skaffer installs, så blir det som loads.
Betabot har også den beste stealeren/grabberen.
SPOILER ALERT! Vis spoiler

AntiVirus Disabler
Using multiple methods removal methods, Betabot is able to remove or disable over 30 different Anti Viruses from user mode. On Vista and 7, elevation is required for this function to work properly. To help achieve maximum efficiency, a custom social engineering tactic (written in 12 languages) is used to trick the user into elevating the bot process. This method has proven to be roughly 70% - 80% effective when attempting to elevate privileges.

Click here to view complete list of anti-viruses disabled
Additional features:

File Size < 150kb
Config Editor to edit builds -- Change group names
Block Bootkit Installation of some Bootkits (Mainly Rovnix(Carberp)). Can be toggled on/off from the panel.
Multi Server Support for up to 16 different servers. Different configurations are possible for each individual server.
Four different DDoS methods. Various settings to change. Uses local information to attempt to randomize headers in HTTP Floods.
Rapid Connect/Disconnect

Experimental Ruskill - Using an active Sandbox-like, Betabot will attempt to sequester specified programs and roll back any changes made by them after Running. This feature is currently in development and may not work on some bots.
USB Autorun - When enabled, Betabot will add itself to any USB drive inserted into the machine using LNK-File swap techniques.
SOCKS4 Server - Turn your bots into dedicated SOCKS4 proxies. You may set the port as well as the duration. Supports UPnP.
FTP Stealer harvests live FTP logins as they happen in real time.
Anti Virus Checker allows you to enter your Scan4You account info into the panel and makes use of the S4Y API for quick and easy scanning, straight from your own panel.
Various Rudimentary Antis To help maintain the integrity of Beta Bot and to protect various pieces of vital code, Beta Bot makes use of multiple anti debugging and anti dumping methods.
Download / Update / Uninstall / etc - Basic commands expected of all bots. Supports DLLs and JAR files.
Execute system shell commands
Additional User Accounts - Ability to create additional user accounts to access your panel. Fully customizable access levels.

For å ikke glemme rootkit, som er så sterk.
Noter deg at antivirus killeren blocker "updatsene" til antiviruset, som gjør at man beholder dem som bots mye lengre.
Du kan spørre hvem som helst som vet hva han driver med, dette er the real deal.
Andromeda 2.08
Alle disse høres nok veldig bra ut for deg, men saken er at betabot topper allt.
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For å stole blindt på alt som står på hjemmesiden til noen som prøver å selge noe er alltid lurt. Særlig når det kommer til ting som ligger i gråsone.

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