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Norsk wikipedia:
Dette er et lite utbredt begrep(...)
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Engelsk wikipedia:
At the annual meeting of the American Association of Psychiatry and Law (AAPL) a group of forensic psychiatrists working with sex offenders made a symbolic vote on the inclusion of Pedohebephilia in DSM-5, with 2 votes for and 31 against. At the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders meeting in Oslo another vote was made with 1 vote for and 100 against.[34] The proposed addition of hebephilia to the DSM-5 diagnostic codes and appendix was rejected by the American Psychiatric Association board of trustees due to a large degree of opposition to the proposed new diagnosis and concerns about its scientific validity. The AMA board of trustees apparently had to step in due to a small group of psychologists digging their heals in and not accepting the opinions of the wider community of mental health professionals
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At noe står på wikipedia betyr ikke at det er utbredt begrep, ei heller at det er et ord i det hele tatt. Å være petimeter er greit nok det, men da må man faktisk være korrekt. Når man snakker om allmenne diskusjoner så vil dette være pedofili, og ikke hebefili, hvis utbredelse på nett synes å stort sett komme av creepy folk på reddit ol. som liker å seksualisere barn.

Sitat av Bokmålsordboka
Vi har dessverre ingen informasjon om ordet 'hebefili' i bokmålsdatabasen verken i ordlistene eller i ordboka.
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