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En studie som ble offentliggjort i dag og som er kjørt over de siste 20 årene, viser at én til tre jointer om dagen over syv år, ikke har en negativ effekt på lungene. Men lungene begynner iflg. samme studie å ta skade etter rundt 10 år med ett større forbruk. Tester viste også til forskerenes overraskelse at ikke-røykere hadde dårligere lungekapasitet enn røykere.

Dr. Donald Tashkin, a pulmonologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who has studied marijuana for over 30 years and was not involved in the study, said it confirmed findings from several other studies showing that “essentially there is no significant relationship between marijuana exposure and impairment in lung function.” He said one reason marijuana smoke may not be as harmful as tobacco smoke, despite containing similar noxious ingredients, may be the fact that its active ingredient, THC, has anti-inflammatory effects.
“We don’t know for sure,” he said, “but a very reasonable possibility is that THC may actually interfere with the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”
Dr. Tashkin said he and his colleagues had found in their own research — unexpectedly — that even smoking up to three joints a day did not appear to cause a decrease in lung function.
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Resten av artikkelen kan leses hos New York Times.
Selve studien finner dere hos American Medical Association.
Sist endret av caperno; 11. januar 2012 kl. 20:15.