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STDs ruin people’s lives
Under normal circumstances I would never reveal intimate details about my friends and
my family’s personal lives due to societal taboos and shame, confidentiality issues and
loyalty. However, how are we supposed to have a chance at changing our societies when
we refuse to reveal the negative impacts surrounding the disintegrating moral? I will
make an exception here and share knowledge about a fraction of my closest network. I
have limited information and it is likely that a larger portion of my network have suffered
significant negative issues as a result of “destructive conduct”.
Although I have had a change of mentality a majority of my friends have not. My
stepfather Tore, one of my best friends Marius and my more distant friends Kristoffer,
Sturla and Ronny are all living manifestations of the complete breakdown of sexual
moral. All five have had more than 300 sexual partners (two of them more than 700) and
I know for a fact that three of them have one or more STDs (probably all of them). I
have several other promiscuous (slut) friends and I could list at least 30 male and
females in my social environment if I wanted to. I don’t blame them personally and it has
absolutely nothing to do with envy. I could easily have chosen the same path if I wanted
to, due to my looks, status, resourcefulness and charm. It’s just terribly sad that my
country have been the victim of severe Marxist infiltration leading to the political
doctrines which have been allowed to destroy all moral and norms, resulting in the
complete breakdown of our once great ethical standards.
My half sister, Elisabeth was infected by chlamydia after having more than 40 sexual
partners (more than 15 Chippendales’ strippers who are known to be bearers of various
Her chlamydia went untreated and she became one of several million
US/European women who were suffering from PID, Pelvic inflammatory disease caused
by untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia which leads to infertility. As she lives in the US,
costs relating to this were not covered by the state. She and her husband spent 40 000-
50 000 USD on two IVF treatments (in vitriol fertilisation) a process by which egg cells
are fertilised by sperm outside the womb. She was lucky compared to many as these
treatments may cost upwards of 100 000 USD. Furthermore, as far as I know, due to her
condition as a result of the untreated disease, she needed a caesarean section for both
childbirths. The last c-section almost killed her due to complications and she needed
blood transfusion of more than 5 litres of blood in total. It is unknown if her two children
suffered from pneumonia and conjunctivitis and other problems in infants born with
chlamydia transmitted from my sister during childbirth.
My mother was infected by genital herpes by her boyfriend (my stepfather), Tore, when
she was 48. Tore, who was a captain in the Norwegian Army, had more than 500 sexual

partners and my mother knew this but suffered from lack of good judgement and moral
due to several factors (media – glorification of certain stereotypes being one).
Unfortunately for her, her poor judgment resulted in her being afflicted by genital herpes.
In addition to this, the herpes infection went to her brain and caused meningitis (this
condition is usually rare and occurs in less than 1% of herpes infected individuals). As a
result of this brain infection, which prevented the spinal fluid from flowing freely, she had
to operate a shunt into her brain as the herpes attacks occurred regularly. She was
forced into early retirement as a result and her life quality has been significantly reduces
since, and she now has the intellectual capacity of a 10 year old. Her STD has not only
cause her much hardships, but it has also cost her and the state up to 1 million Euro.
Both my sister and my mother have not only shamed me but they have shamed
themselves and our family. A family that was broken in the first place due to secondary
effects of the feministic/sexual revolution.
I can only imagine how many people are
suffering from STDs as a result of the current lack of sexual moral.
This mentality is clearly not sustainable and if we are to have any desire to salvage our
civilisation we must ensure that we implement political doctrines to prevent AND reverse
the current development.
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