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De som er vanskelige å finne kategorier til:
Trainspotting, into the wild, a clockwork orange
fight club, the tenant, one flew over the cuckoo's nest
a bout de souffle, saló, Sweeney Todd
mulholland drive, big fish, subconscious cruelty
oldboy, lady vengeance, thirst

Komedie - Dr. Strangelove, anger management, walk hard: the Dewey Cox story
Animasjon - Tekkonkinkreet, Nausicaä, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, 9
Sci-fi - 2001, moon, den første SW-trilogien, Brazil
Horror - Suspiria, profondo rosso, the Texas chain saw massacre, the shining
Action - Lock, stock and two smoking barrels, rock'n'rolla, reservoir dogs, pulp, inglorious basterds